




  • 剧情简介:五伙伴历险记4由其它导演Mike,Marzuk倾情打造,Bernhard, the father of Julian, Dick and Anne organized an exhibition to Egypt. Here, discover the friends after an attempted burglary an old gold amulet. So they fly with Elena, a colleague of his father, to Cairo. In Cairo Julian's father falls into a trap and is then accused of theft. Until the trial, he goes to jail. The five are trying to prove innocence Bernard and take Auni, a young pickpocket to help. This raises the question of whether they can liberate Bernhard. 在2015年全网首播。
  • 主演:Pasquale,Aleardi,Valeria,Eisenbart,Samuel,Finzi,Sohel,Altan,Gol,Lucie,Heinze,Özgür,Karadeniz,Mehmet,Kurtulus,Adnan,Maral  导演:Mike,Marzuk  所属地区:其它  语言:  上映时间:2015  
  • 所属分类:剧情片  更新时间:2024-04-21 14:21:57 


《五伙伴历险记4》简介: 剧情片五伙伴历险记4是由其它导演Mike,Marzuk倾情打造,里面的主要出演者有Pasquale,Aleardi,Valeria,Eisenbart,Samuel,Finzi,Sohel,Altan,Gol,Lucie,Heinze,Özgür,Karadeniz,Mehmet,Kurtulus,Adnan,Maral,在2015年全网首播。 Bernhard, the father of Julian, Dick and Anne organized an exhibition to Egypt. Here, discover the friends after an attempted burglary an old gold amulet. So they fly with Elena, a colleague of his father, to Cairo. In Cairo Julian's father falls into a trap and is then accused of theft. Until the trial, he goes to jail. The five are trying to prove innocence Bernard and take Auni, a young pickpocket to help. This raises the question of whether they can liberate Bernhard. 手机影院网为您提供剧情片五伙伴历险记4,想看更多同类型的影片,请在搜索框打入关键字搜索,各类型的影片应有尽有,别忘了告诉您朋友哦!


